Weekend link-o-rama


You know what’s weird? Hanging out with all your friends from high school and then actually seeing current high school students from your school. Those kids are so young! While I was freaking out about no longer being a teenager and enjoying the beautiful London weather (I’m serious about this one), here’s what I almost missed this week:

Photo by Luna Park

DOTS parts 1-3 online now

A painting from James Jessop's "Subway Fiction" series

Parts 1-3 of DOTS, a series of films about London’s Burning Candy crew, have just been posted on Babelgum.com. The films follow members of Burning Candy as they travel around the world. So far, Luc Price aka Cyclops has visited India to work with signpainters, Rowdy has traveled to the Australian outback to see ancient wall-painting techniques and graffiti-history obsessed James Jessop saw New York City for the first time. Here are their stories…

(okay here’s a trailer first actually)

And now the actual films…

Bomb Chaser with James Jessop, which is without a doubt the highlight of DOTS so far and the one you should watch if you only watch one of these:

Beyond Cosmos with Rowdy:

Bollywood Clout with Luc Price aka Cyclops:

Also, James Jessop has a solo show opening tonight, also called Bomb Chaser, at Charlie Smith Gallery in London. Hooked has more info on that.

Photo by Lyfetime

Logan Hicks at Opera Gallery NYC

Logan Hicks’ much anticipated solo show at Opera Gallery in NYC opens on Thursday. I saw some of the work for Pretty Ugly while I was in New York recently, and, as always, Logan is a master of technique. You don’t want to miss this show. Here’s a little preview of what to expect…

Untitled from Logan Hicks on Vimeo.

And don’t forget that Logan was interviewed for the latest issue of Very Nearly Almost.

Photos courtesy of Logan Hicks

KIDULT “Illegalize Graffiti”

KIDULT ITW (uncensored) “ILLEGALIZE GRAFFITI” from eric on Vimeo.

French graffiti artist KIDULT released this video documenting some of his work on the streets of Paris a few days ago. For thos who aren’t familiar with him, KIDULT uses a fire extinguisher to spray paint on the side of stores. He is concerned with high end luxury brands, like ZEVS, and how hypocritical their place is in a society that predominantly lives under the poverty level.

Fair warning, parts of it are in French which is a bit annoying at times.

Weekend link-o-rama

"Black Rose" by Ludo

Were you at the launch of Very Nearly Almost on Thursday? Well we probably didn’t see each other, since I was out of there by 8pm! Damn jet lag. Dunno how it lasted so long. Anyway, I’m in London for the summer now. I missed a link-o-rama post last week, so here’s some stuff you should check out but haven’t seen on Vandalog over the last few weeks.

  • I plan to pick up this book on San Fransisco graffiti in the 80’s and 90’s.
  • Don’t Panic interviewed Kid Acne.
  • 1000 swings are going to be installed across LA in strange places. Yes.
  • Speaking of 1000, Invader has placed his 1000th piece in Paris and has a show there soon to celebrate.
  • Street artists like Herakut painted murals in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
  • KAWS has some new paintings at Art Hong Kong.
  • Faile have brought their random cube paintings to a new interactive level with their Puzzle Box pieces. There are original “puzzle boxes” for sale where you can rearrange the cubes any way you would like, or you can try the puzzles out online or through an iPod/iPad app. Check it all out here.
  • This piece by Cyrcle and Chad Muska is either one of the most annoying pieces of so-called street art I’ve seen all year, or a very clever conceptual piece that still fails. Either, it’s an ad for some Chad Muska shoes trying to be street art, or it’s a commentary on the apparent double-standard that many street art fans (myself included) have when it comes to encouraging individuals to place art on the street but discouraging advertises from using the streets in a similar way to sell products. Problem is, if this is some conceptual joke (which I highly doubt), it fails like a lot of attempts at conceptual street art because it requires an artists’ statement or so much prior knowledge that it is extremely likely to be effectively be an advertisement for the vast majority of viewers, negating any conceptual/humorous basis for the piece. Or I suppose it’s both an ad for his shoes and a commentary on that double-standard, but since I don’t like wheatpasted ads, particularly those that try to pass themselves off as street art, well then I’m just upset about that. Stick to skateboarding Chad.

Photo by Ludo

Videos of Roa in SF

Roa at White Walls Gallery

Here are a few videos of Roa‘s recent time in San Fransisco painting walls and doing a show at White Walls Gallery (there’s a bit of overlap as the first video is by Colin M Day and the next three are a separate series by Spencer Keeton Cunningham):

ROA – White Walls from Colin M Day on Vimeo.

ROA from Spencer Keeton Cunningham on Vimeo.

ROA part II from Spencer Keeton Cunningham on Vimeo.

ROA part III from Spencer Keeton Cunningham on Vimeo.

Photo by y3rdua

Artist puts Ai Weiwei’s face on Chinese consulate

"Free Ai Weiwei" posters at Tate Modern

The disappearance of the artist Ai Weiwei is something that I haven’t mentioned on Vandalog, but it’s been at the front of my mind offline for almost two months now. Weiwei has been missing for more than 50 days. If you haven’t heard about this (or you just want to keep up to date on the news), check out this site.

Last Friday night, Geandy projected an image of Ai Weiwei on the Chinese consulate building in NYC. Here’s a video:

Via Hyperallergic (who also interviewed Geandy)

Photo by Steve and Sara

Steve Powers on video

Two things to note today about Steve Powers on video.

First, these guys made a video about Steve painting the 100th painting in his series of Daily Metalations, a series where Steve is trying to paint one painting a day for the entire year. The video is called DAYS and here it is:

DAYS by Steve Powers from Georgia on Vimeo.

Second, New Yorkers who are fans of Steve Powers may want to check out this film screening in Harlem on Saturday evening. Under The Influence of ESPO will include 4 films by or about Steve Powers, in including both Style Wars The Musical and A Love Letter For You, the film about/revolving around (I’m not positive since I haven’t seen this film myself yet) his project of the same name. Thanks to The Street Spot for the tip.

Photo by RJ Rushmore