A show in London by Ken Sortais aka Cony


Although he’s been known in France for some time, Ken Sortais aka Cony finally popped up on my radar this year for his work at Komafest. Now he has his first show on in London. Princes of Darkness is open now through January 12th at Galleries Goldstein. The gallery has released a new screenprint from Sortais as part of the show, and it is available online for £45.

Alternative Paris has images on their site from the show, and they made this video (please note that although there is footage in the video from the film They Live, known as the film from which Shepard Fairey got the OBEY slogan, John Carpenter also made a film called Prince of Darkness just before They Live, which is presumably where Sortais got the title and theme of his show from rather than They Live):

Photo by Vitostreet