This is post #3 and in our series about The Painted Desert Project. You can see posts 1 and 2 here and here. The first round of The Painted Desert Project took place last month in the Navajo Nation and was an effort by Jetsonorama and Yote to use art to help improve the local economy. Gaia, Overunder, Doodles, Labrona, Jetsonorama, Tom Greyeyes and Breeze put up art as part of this round of the project, and there will be at least one more group of artists visiting in the future. After the jump, we have photos of work by Jetsonorama, Breeze, Gaia, Labrona and Doodles, as well as a couple of shots of Jetsonorama of the artists at work and play…

Photos by Jetsonorama