UPDATE 2: Due to weird technical faults for this post, it got deleted. I’ve tried to re-post it in such a way that subscribers won’t see it twice, but I’m sorry if you do.
UPDATE 1: My apologies to Fefe Talavera. Originally, I called her a guy, but she is a woman. Thanks to a few people who spotted this.
Here’s a sampler of some of the galleries with openings this weekend in London and abroad.
In California:
- Gallery AD and the Scion Art Tour have “Installation 5” featuring artists like AJ Fosik, Blek le Rat, Ron English, Sage Vaughn, Jeff Soto and Stormie Mills. That opens Friday night at 8pm and Gallery AD is in San Jose.
- At Carmichael Gallery in LA, two shows are opening. In their front gallery, Know Hope has an installation and solo show (go to Slamxhype for info on Know Hope’s newspaper, The Anytimes, that he is slipping into papers in LA this week). In the rear gallery is a group show, “Mood Swings,” with Asbestos, Imminent Disaster, and others.
In New York City:
- “2012″ at Factory Fresh with the ADHD crew (Avoid, Bloke and Faro). This one could go either way, but their street work is awesome, so I’m very optimistic. Opens Friday.
- Endless Love Crew presents “Cheap Shots” at Kings County Bar. Show features work from Ad Deville (Skewville), Royce Bannon, Dark Clouds and more.
And in London:
- Charming Baker’s “The Meaning of Everything” is at 50 Redchurch Street. Private view night is the 4th.
- At Stella Dore there is a group show with some of their new artists like ACE and Star Child. Private view on the 4th.
- Je T’aime at Pure Evil Gallery is also on the 4th, with four new French artists. (Via ESPVisuals)
- Adam Neate has a piece at the Olympia Art Fair. That opens in the 5th, but it isn’t free entry.
- Meeting of Styles is on the 5th (from 10am) and 6th (from 6:30pm) at Sclater Street, and should feature some very talented writers.
And a couple pics from Mood Swings at Carmichael Gallery: