Great in ’08: Peru Ana Ana Peru Says…

As part of Vandalog’s “Great in ’08” series, which will be running every day for the rest of the month. Check out previous posts here. Street artists from across the world have been given one post to give away to one artist who they feel has been doing great work recently. Today it’s Peru Ana Ana Peru‘s turn.

Who is one artist doing really great work right now?

Peru Ana Ana Peru: it’s hard to pick one, as there are so many, but we’d have to say that we are quite fond of the work going up by the ADHD Kids at the moment. they seem to be trying to go their own way in the graff scene, and that’s nice. faro, bloke, anthrax, naks, venom, etc. they’ve got great style, and their letterings are dope.

ADHD Truck
ADHD Kids. Photo by

See photos of work by the ADHD Kids work after the jump… Continue reading “Great in ’08: Peru Ana Ana Peru Says…”

Street Art Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas is only days away, and I know I’ve still got shopping to do. If you’re like me and you’ve got street art fans that you’ve still got to buy gifts for, look no futher.

Elms Lesters Book

1. The Elms Lesters Book – £175: Elms Lesters has released this giant book just in time for Christmas. They’ve been working on it for years, and I can see why. There are photos from all their major exhibitions over the years, and interviews with some of their best known artists conducted by art historian Ben Jones.

Keith Haring Book

2. Keith Haring – $63: Another mammoth street art book. A team including Jeffrey Deitch of Deitch Projects have made the definitive book on Keith Haring.

Bomb It DVD

3. Bomb It – $19.95: I’ve actually put this on my Christmas list, so I haven’t seen it yet, but everybody I’ve talked to has said this movie is great. This documentary goes through the history of graffiti, from cave paintings in Pompeii to the modern day.

Style Wars DVD

4. Style Wars – $24.99: The original graffiti documentary, and a must-have for any fan’s collection. This film helped to define 80’s graffiti.

Subway Art Book

5. Subway Art – $14.96: Like Style Wars, a classic book on graffiti. Martha Cooper’s photographs influenced a generation of writers.

Great in ’08: The Imminent Disaster Says…

As part of Vandalog’s “Great in ’08” series, which will be running every day for the rest of the month. Check out previous posts here. Street artists from across the world have been offered one post to “gift” to one artist that they feel has been doing great work recently. Today it’s Imminent Disaster‘s turn.

Who is one artist doing really great work right now?

Imminent Disaster: Chris Stain because he is one of few doing overtly political work on the street, and his images are earnest and beautiful, humble and humbling.

See more of Chris Stain’s work after the jump…

Photo by Nick Hall
Photo by Nick Hall

More photos of Chris Stain’s work after the jump… Continue reading “Great in ’08: The Imminent Disaster Says…”

Great In ’08: Zeus and K-Guy Say…

As part of Vandalog’s “Great in ’08” series, which will be running every day for the rest of the month. Check out previous posts here. Street artists from across the world have been given one post to give away to one artist who they feel has been doing great work recently. Today Zeus and K-Guy have both picked the same artist.

Who is one artist doing really great work right now?

K-Guy: Herakut.

Zeus: It has to be Herakut. Real skills.

Photo by Presciption Art
Photo by Presciption Art

See more photos of Herakut’s work after the jump… Continue reading “Great In ’08: Zeus and K-Guy Say…”

Great in ’08: Copyright Says…

As part of Vandalog’s “Great in ’08” series, which will be running every day for the rest of the month. Check out previous posts here. Street artists from across the world have been offered one post to “gift” to one artist that they feel has been doing great work recently. Today it’s ©opy®ight‘s turn.

Who is one artist doing really great work right now?

©opy®ight: The artist I chose is Gemma Compton. She’s a new artist, but the reason I think shes stands out is the girl can straight up draw: no photoshop jiggery, no stencils, just 1 girl and her pencils, about as real as art can get. Not to mention her drawings are amazing.

Bird of Prey
Bird of Prey

See more of Gemma Compton’s work after the jump… Continue reading “Great in ’08: Copyright Says…”

Great in ’08: Broken Crow Says…

As part of Vandalog’s “Great in ’08” series, which will be running every day for the rest of the month. Check out previous posts here. Street artists from across the world have been given one post to give away to one artist who they feel has been doing great work recently. Today it’s Broken Crow’s turn.

Who is one artist doing really great work right now?

Broken Crow: I’d have to say VRNO. His composition is always spot on, he makes solid color choices, and it’s incredibly iconic, personal stuff. Gets me every time.

See more photos of VRNO’s work after the jump… Continue reading “Great in ’08: Broken Crow Says…”

The Smartest Man or The Dumbest Ad-Man Alive

Photo by the lonely villein
Photo by the lonely villein

The above piece appeared in London recently. The question is, is it a real Banksy? Check the logo on the bottom, close-up below. Then check out the logo for this advertising agency called The Bank (also below).

The Banksy

The Bank Logo

So here are the possible ways that this has happened:

1. It’s a legit Banksy and the quality isn’t up to his usual standards.

2. Bansky is licensing his images in viral ads.

3. It’s a viral advert for The Bank designed with no respect for art.

4. It’s a legit Banksy made to look like a viral ad by The Bank.

I really don’t think it’s #1.

I really hope it’s not #2.

#3 is definitely possible. The Bank’s website is full of photos and quotes from pop culture icons like Elvis. Advertising agencies have certianly used graffiti before, and in many case paid the artists for their work. And of course, advertising agencies have stolen from each other and from artists before. So this seems possible, and I’d say it’s probably the most likely scenario. It’s a great ad if you have no morals. They’ve certainly got me talking, so their ad is effective, and that’s what they’ll want to provide for their clients.

I hope it’s #4. How great would that be? Banksy’s recent show in New York had posters done by an ad agency and he was criticised for it. What if this poster is meant to be about the subversion of advertising campaigns? Maybe he’s parodying viral marketing by making a poster sure to be confused with viral advertising. That, would be amazing.

Via Arrested Motion

Great in ’08: Damon Ginandes Says…

As part of Vandalog’s “Great in ’08” series, which will be running every day for the rest of the month. Check out previous posts here. Street artists from across the world have been offered one post to “gift” to one artist that they feel has been doing great work recently. Today it’s Damon Ginandes‘ turn.

Who is one artist doing really great work right now?

Damon Ginandes: JR.

JR at the Tate Modern. Photo by EVERYDAYLIFEMODERN
JR at the Tate Modern. Photo by EVERYDAYLIFEMODERN

See more of JR’s work after the jump… Continue reading “Great in ’08: Damon Ginandes Says…”

Great In ’08: Cake Says…

As part of Vandalog’s “Great in ’08” series, which will be running every day for the rest of the month. Check out previous posts here. Street artists from across the world have been offered one post to “gift” to one artist that they feel has been doing great work recently. Today it’s Cake‘s turn.

Who is one artist doing really great work right now?

Cake: My answer would be Know Hope.  Complete openness and honesty presented in a vulnerable and humble form so that we can all relate to it and not be scared off by it. Know Hope creates from a place of sensitivity and openness and he is one of my favorite artists right now without a doubt because I can actually experience his work beyond its form and I am able to feel it’s emotions.  And I always end up feeling good and at peace.

See more of Know Hope’s work after the jump… or read an interview with Know Hope here. Continue reading “Great In ’08: Cake Says…”

Auction Saboteur Turns One


Auction Saboteur will be one year old this week so its time for a little celebration, this Thursday at the Mutate Show from 7pm. It will also be the last Thursday party with the Mutoid Waste Crew, it will be great night. Sausages on sticks, cheese and pickled onions, mince pies as well fizzy pop and lots of rum. Not to forget a special Mucky dip and possibly the best show in Britain right now.

The end is nigh, mutate of die !!!

Send and email to and the first 150 people with ‘happy birthday’ in the subject bar will be placed on the guest list.

Here is a pic of one of the exclusive Mutate Britain Ceramic Spray cans by the Baroness that could be won in the £5 Mucky dip on the night.

Mutate Spraycan

Also there will be three special other exclusives released this thursday, half on the night half the next day online at